The Wedding of

Vandi & Sheylin

1 Corinthians 13:13
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love”

God makes everything beautiful in its time. Beautiful when He brings us together, beautiful when He grows love, and beautiful when He unites us in a holy marriage bond.

Vandi Putra Sitorus

Son of 
Mr. Benget Sitorus
& Mrs. Tiores Siagian

Sheylin Wimora Lumban Tobing

Daughter of
Mr. Hendri Parluhutan Lumban Tobing
& Mrs. Marice Simarmata

Holy Matrimony

Saturday, December 10, 2022
at 10.00 WIB

HKBP Ressort Lumban Lobu
Lumban Lobu

Traditional Event

Saturday, December 10, 2022
at 12.00 WIB

Desa Partoruan – Lumban Lobu, Kecamatan Bonatua Lunasi

Wedding Gift

Health protocol

Using Mask

Washing hands

Keep the distance

No shaking hands

It is an honor for us, when you are willing to attend and give us prayers of blessing.


Greetings & Prayers

Nadia Putri & Keluarga
Slamat ya dek Bahagia selalu
selamat vandi & calon istri. bahagia selalu
Cindy Aprilia
Congratss Bang Vandi🥳🥳 happy as always and have wonderfull journey with the partner👏🙏
Syahlan hutagaol
Selamat lae, semoga lancar acaranya..
Herianto Siahaan
Selamat berbahagia bro, yg terbaik buat keluarga baru
Nancy Bangun
Selamat ya Bg Vandi. Semoga pernikahannya dipenuhi berkat dan kebahagiaan sampai maut memisahkan, Tuhan Yesus memberkati.
Evi K Widiaswari
Selamat Bang Vandi. Bahagia Selalu
Selamat van dan istrii Semoga menuaa bersamaa Gbu🫰🏼🫰🏼
Ian Michael Butarbutar
Congratulations ya Bg da.


Vandi & Sheylin

The Wedding of
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